A week in Cuenca, Ecuador

Up in the mountains of Ecuador

After spending our first week in Ecuador in Quito, we headed off to Cuenca. Our flight there was actually super fun we were on the tiniest little plane where we actually were in the front seats that were facing backwards. I wanted to try and take a picture of it but it was a little awkward because it felt like everyone else on the plane was staring at us! So weird but cool…

We were also working this week as well, so again the first few days were just working at the AirBNB and getting food around town.

We did get to do a few fun things with the time off that we did have. There was a thermal spring just outside of town which had a couples night where you could go two for one price. They had things like mud baths, steam boxes, and hot and cold thermal pools.

We also took a bus tour around the city and up to a viewpoint. We actually ended up being the only ones on the giant double-decker bus for the tour which was a bit weird but fun.

We also went to an ecopark, pretty much like a zoo but the animals are supposed to be more in their natural habitats. The park was laid out as a trail that went around the exhibits and even through some of them. It was an interesting experience we got to see all kinds of different animals, most from Ecuador but then there were some lions so? Not really sure how natural it all was but still cool to see so many animals up close.

We really enjoyed our time in Cuenca mostly just walking around the beautiful city and eating good food. Cuenca is known as a bit of a foodie capital, but my favorite thing was this little cafe that had good coffee and amazing pie! Probably the best I’ve ever had at any restaurant; It reminded me of my Grandmother’s actually which was a nice treat.

Next on to Guayaquil for the convention!